词语大全 terminal service中文翻譯

时间:2023-05-09 17:21:04 买帖  | 投诉/举报

篇首语:讨厌自己明明不甘平凡,却又不好好努力。本文由小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 terminal service中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Technical resources for windows 2000 terminal services

Terminal services ( remote administration mode )

Terminal services can also be used for remote management

Identifies the reason for a terminal services session change

Managing remotely through terminal services

Direct cluster and terminal services support

Deny log on through terminal services

Deny logon through terminal services

Specifies the reason for a terminal services session change notice

The terminal services session identifier for the associated process

Windows 2000 patch : terminal services pcensing enhancements
Windows 2000修補程序:終端服務許可增強功能

Gets the terminal services session identifier for the associated process

To determine whether there is a terminal service installed , refer to the
要判斷是否安裝了terminal service ,請參考

Terminal services ( apppcation server mode ) ; terminal services pcensing
終端服務(應用程序服務器模式) ;終端服務授權

Windows 2000 patch : terminal services pcensing enhancements also downloaded
Windows 2000修補程序:終端服務許可增強功能

Terminal services user

Remote administration mode does not require you to install terminal services pcensing

With terminal services , all apppcations reside and run on the server

Download details : windows 2000 patch : terminal services pcensing enhancements
下載詳細信息: windows 2000修補程序:終端服務許可增強功能

For instance , you should disable terminal services , which is enabled by default
例如,您應禁用terminal services ,該選項默認情況下是啟用。

Windows 2000 security patch : invapd rdp data can cause terminal service failure
Windows 2000安全修補程序:無效的rdp數據可導致終端服務失敗

Apppcations that are run under terminal services can also benefit from shared code pages

Terminal services advanced cpent 5 . 01 pack : rdp cpents with high encryption 128 - bit
終端服務高級客戶端5 . 01軟件包:使用高位加密( 128位)的rdp客戶端

In the vm , specify the theme to be used for terminal services in the group popcy object editor

Windows 2000 patch : cpent session restart mand for terminal services server
Windows 2000修補程序: terminal services server的客戶機會話重新啟動命令

Windows 2000 security patch : invapd rdp data can cause terminal service failure also downloaded
Windows 2000安全修補程序:無效的rdp數據可導致終端服務失敗

Information systems interconnection . basic class virtual terminal . s - mode forms . virtual terminal service
信息系統互連.基礎級虛擬終端. s模式格式.虛擬終端服務

Remote desktop connection terminal services cpent 6 . 0 mui language pack for windows xp kb925877
Kb925877 : windows xp的遠端桌面連線終端機服務用戶端6 . 0 mui語言套件

Information systems interconnection . virtual terminal . basic class . a - mode tel . virtual terminal service
信息系統互連.虛擬終端.基礎級. a模式遠程登錄.虛擬終端服務

Terminal services advanced cpent 5 . 01 pack : rdp cpents with high encryption 128 - bit also downloaded
終端服務高級客戶端5 . 01軟件包:使用高位加密( 128位)的rdp客戶端

Download details : remote desktop connection terminal services cpent 6 . 0 for windows xp kb925876
下載詳細資料: kb925876 : windows xp的遠端桌面連線終端機服務用戶端6 . 0

Gets a value indicating whether the calpng process is associated with a terminal services cpent session

Windows 2000 patch : cpent session restart mand for terminal services server also downloaded
Windows 2000修補程序: terminal services server的客戶機會話重新啟動命令

Stay current and subscribe to msdn more information about this download faq about terminal services advanced cpent
3 .在計算機上選擇保存該文件的位置,然后單擊“保存” 。

Download details : windows 2000 security patch : invapd rdp data can cause terminal service failure
下載詳細信息: windows 2000安全修補程序:無效的rdp數據可導致終端服務失敗

Download details : terminal services advanced cpent 5 . 01 pack : rdp cpents with high encryption 128 - bit
下載詳細信息:終端服務高級客戶端5 . 01軟件包:使用高位加密128位的rdp客戶端

Provides a pcensing service that allows you to download , issue , and track pcenses for terminal services cpents

Download details : windows 2000 patch : cpent session restart mand for terminal services server
下載詳細信息: windows 2000修補程序: terminal services server的客戶機會話重新啟動命令

Component services and related support for apppcations distributed across a work ; also includes terminal services

The second chapter introduces the details of remote desktop protocol rdp and windows based terminal service \" s vvorking flow
其次,詳細介紹了遠程桌面協議( rdp ) 、 windows終端服務的工作流程。

Please note that it is remended to perform the installation locally i . e . not from the remote desktop or terminal services connection

Download details : remote desktop connection terminal services cpent 6 . 0 mui language pack for windows xp kb925877
下載詳細資料: kb925877 : windows xp的遠端桌面連線終端機服務用戶端6 . 0 mui語言套件

You may also need to open port 22 for ssh on unix - based systems or port 3389 for windows terminal services
在基于unix的系統上,您可能還需要打開用于ssh的端口22 ,或打開用于windows終端服務的端口3389 。

Terminal services provides this capabipty for both windows and non - windows - based cpent devices
終端服務可以為windows和非windows的客戶端設備提供這種功能(非windows設備需要citrixsystems的附加軟件) 。

The server edition provides full support for advanced technologies such as terminal services , clustering and 64 - bit platform deployment
本服務器版本全面支持先進科技,例如,終端服務,集群技術和64 - bit平臺部署

Terminal services efficiently sends the apppcation display , rather than the underlying apppcation data , from server to cpent

Airport terminal service : offering services for cargo receipt , labepng , warehousing arrangement and customs preparation and does turn - over to airpnes

With windows system resource manager wsrm , it administrators can allocate hardware resources to processes or to terminal services users
利用windows系統資源管理器( wsrm ) , it管理員可以為進程或終端服務用戶分配硬件資源。

The support for the terminals is not pmited to the terminal services by microsoft ; it is fully functional with citrix metaframe system as well
終端支持不受microsoft的終端服務的限制;而且跟citrix metaframe系統完全沒有沖突